i went through a long period where i journaled every day. i don't know that the process really helped me at the time, but i find it enlightening today to go back and read my thoughts, see how far i've come...see how i haven't changed at all.
so here i am making an attempt to record my thoughts for future use.
the reality of the situation is that my generation has no idea how hard life really is. there is no concept of sacrifice for others, or understanding of compromise for relationships. we expect others to give with out return. we expect to only receive.
we expect our peers to respond like characters from a movie or tv show...
but the truth is that marriage is hard. how can two people coexist peaceful for multiple decades? this is obviously not a simple task, so why do we expect it to be? why do we put so little thought into the permanance that is marriage? and on the flipside, how do we expect one person to fulfill our lives for however long we have? can there truly be one soulmate?
the pressure to have children is immense. who knows how to be a good parent in these times? my weekly dinner conversation included a debate on the merits of pureeing your own baby food. and planning pregnancies in order to obtain the lowest child care cost in conjunction with your peers. this is ridiculous.
so this is where my thoughts are for today...
we'll see where they go tomorrow...