Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday I met our friend Amy and her daughter Abbey at a park near our home. We went pretty early because it is unseasonably warm for May and because Abbey had her first dentist appointment later that morning.

Dylan had been up three times the night before so I was pretty exhausted. The girls behaved pretty well and Amy helped me out knowing I was tired.

Ashlyn was having a snack and found her snuggle bunny in the diaper bag. Snuggle bunny is ashlyn's comfort toy and has her pacifier attached. I really should learn to just leave him in her crib so she doesn't want him in inappropriate settings like the sandbox at the playground.

I took snuggle bunny and put him somewhere Ashlyn couldn't see him in hopes of distracting her and encouraging her to play for another 30 minutes. This caused a complete meltdown. Dylan had not had a good nights sleep or a good nap so he was unhappy too so I decided it was time to go home. I spent ten minutes trying to get Ashlyn in the car. Once she was finally buckled in I gave snuggle bunny back to her.

As we were driving home I had a chance to reflect a little. I realized that when I hid snuggle bunny from Ashlyn she believed he was gone. And when I left the park without giving him to her, she believed we had left him. Of course she was upset! I had just left behind her most valued possession.

Sometimes we forget what the world looks like to a small child and if we would take the time to adjust our perspective we might be able to see a happier solution.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Monday, May 2, 2011

Dinner time laughs

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rainy days

Rainy days are the hardest right now. It's not warm enough outside to actually play in the rain.  Inside contains all the toys we have been playing with for months. Not to mention that being inside gives me the chance to sit around and look at all the half finished projects and chores around my house!

I have read a number of books that suggest having a rainy day box with activities you only use on rainy days so they are fresh and new. I hope to spend some time this week putting something like that together.  The only problem is the challenge of purchasing or collecting these items while watching the kids.  And then actually saving them for rainy days and not just when Ashlyn and I are both bored of her old toys.  I found a book at the library with tons of ideas of games and activities for toddlers.  I'm hoping to jot down a list and keep those ideas handy.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dylan and oatmeal

Dylan's first experience with cereal was great today. He smiled and worked the food really well. He even managed to keep 90% of it in his mouth.

I have to say that finding the time to start feeding Dylan solid foods with 18 month old Ashlyn is challenging. Ashlyn is so curious and wants to help, which of course isn't help at all. Perhaps tomorrow dylan can eat while ashlyn is napping.